English (UK)

Trapianto di capelli su pazienti giovani

Il settore dei trapianti di capelli ha spesso a che fare con pazienti molto giovani interessati ad avere un trapianto di capelli.

Generalmente si considera paziente giovane un individuo con meno di 25 anni. Bisogna avere molta attenzione per trattare questo tipo di pazienti.

I pazienti giovani devono capire che fare un trapianto di capelli in un area calva o diradata non ferma la caduta di capelli e l’avanzare dell’alopecia puo’ creare altre zone calve o diratate che poi richiederanno un nuovo intervento

I pazienti giovani si possono divider in 3 tipi:

TIPO 1: Perdita dei capelli nelle zone temporali (Classe 2 o 2A Norwood):


Qesto tipo di pazienti cominciano ad avere un po’ di problem nelle zone temporali e sono cosi’ spaventati da questo che voglio subito ripristinare I capelli.

Molto spesso questa non e’ la soluzione migliore. La caduta dei capelli continuera’ e trapiantare dei capelli sulle tempie quando la caduta non e’ stabile signifa che molto presto I capelli dietro I capelli trapiantati cadranno laasciando due isole di capelli sui lati e nientra al centro e dietro. Quando questo succeed il paziente non ha altra scelta che procedure con un nuovo trapianto di capelli per riavere un aspetto normale. E’ molto importante in questi casi esaminare attantamente la zona donor e soprattutto la storia familiare per cercare di immaginare a che livello di calvizie il paziente puo’ finire. Se il paziente non ha predesposizione familiare a grosse perdite di capelli allora si puo’ anche procedere.


Hairline indietreggiata e aree temporali vuote (Norwood Classe 3)  

Hairline indietreggiata e aree temporali vuote e Vertex (Norwood Class 3V)  

Hairline indietraggiata e aree temporali e sopra vuote (Norwood Class 4 or 4A)  

This type of young patient has already reached the stage of having a feeling of losing his youth. A significant amount of follicular units will be needed to replace these areas which can be around to 3.500 Follicular Units. In this case the family history of hair loss must be examined and to predict the final stage that baldness could reach. Also we need to examine the quality of follicular units in the donor area.

If we determine that this patient is a potential Norwood Class 7 it is better to avoid the Hair Transplant surgery as the donor area may not be enough for covering the potential baldness. If the patient is a potential Norwood Class 5 or 6 then Hair Transplantation is possible provided that the individual will understand the limitations regarding density. If a very high density is used for covering the front and the crown then the future balding areas might not be supported by the donor area for maintaining this high density. So, in this case a more conservative approach should be applied and the patient should settle with an average density to cover his baldness.

Usually young patients have higher expectation as they recently lost their hair and maybe they are not willing to settle with something less. Before proceeding they must have realistic expectations otherwise we can end up with dis – satisfied Patients.

• Receding top and crown (Norwood Class 5)

• Receding top, crown and back (Norwood Class 6)

This type of young patient needs a lot of caution. This is the type that will probably end up a high class 7 and a Hair Transplantation may not be recommended. We need to examine carefully the hair loss history from mother and father side and identify whether it has reached the final levels of hair loss or he has potential hair loss in the future. This is what we call hair replacement for the extremely bald and these patients should be aware of their options. They can only replace their hair with a mature hairline, low density and with the help of donor beard hair. Another option is to leave the crown uncovered but still have a natural look.

These cases should be examined individually and advice will be given according to parameters such as:

• final expected stage of hair loss,
• density of the remaining donor,
• quality of follicular units in the donor
• and expectations.

HDC Hair Clinic is very concerned about the correct approach to all its patients and especially the young ones. We are committed to give the correct advice and if necessary, advice patients to avoid surgery if we believe hair transplantation will not be to their best interest.

This is a once in a lifetime decision and HDC wants to ensure you make the right one. For getting an online evaluation of your case, please click here to complete the online evaluation form.

HDC Medical Team         


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