This patient before consulting HDC Hair Clinic had one unsuccessful Strip procedure from a clinic in Greece, with minimum result and a visible scar.
We suggested maximum FUE harvesting of his donor area, in stages, in order to avoid overharvesting and a possible depletion of the donor.
FUE Overharvesting is something that we have noticed happening more frequently.
Some doctors or clinics, offer FUE procedures of 4000 – 5000 grafts in one session. This increases substantially the risk of donor depletion and FUE scarring and many times not allowing any additional FUE procedures.
In HDC we believe that a successful Hair Transplant safeguards the donor and gives state of the Art cosmetic result for the recipient area. This is why more patients contact us for advice regarding the correct strategy of how to achieve coverage, with appropriate donor management.
So for the case we present below, we have divided the FUE extraction in 2 sessions as follows:
1st HT 20, 21-03-14 for 2940 FUE
2nd HT 13, 14-10-14 for 2446 FUE
Result photos are presented below.