Italian (IT)
Dryness in Recipient Area after a Hair Transplant

At HDC Hair Clinic, we give a lot of importance on Post Operation Hair Transplant Care. The patients that visit us from abroad are provided with one week accommodation in our Clinic Apartments to facilitate their stay for taking care of their post operation condition.

This includes a visit twice a day to the clinic, for applying a special solution to the donor and wash of the recipient area. So, by the time they need to go back home, the area is clean and the possible swelling is gone. You can see the expected development of the donor and recipient area for the first 10 days on this video.

It has been noticed however, that the recipient area of some patients a few days after they go home starts to create some dryness and scaling. This is mainly due to the fact that patients are not soaking this area enough and are afraid to apply the necessary force to clean the area. 


10 Days After The procedure


14 Days After The Procedure

The most practicable way to clean the area is to use a wet hand towel with warm water to cover the recipient area for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash the recipient area with the appropriate force using the palm of you hand and not your nails. This was demonstrated to you during the wash at the clinic. This process should be done twice a day and in a couple of days the recipient area should be clean.


See Above how the recipent area can be cleaned after 2 days and 4 washes with the above mentioned method.

So please follow the above instructions for cleaning your recipient area.

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