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Hair Restoration Procedures. Want or need? Necessity or desire?

Hair Restoration Procedures. Want or need? Necessity or desire?

In recent years, male grooming has evolved to a booming sector of modern industry and has empowered men to seek solutions to improve their appearance. With everyone having access to the internet, men can easily research what contemporary aesthetic medicine can offer. This is also facilitated by the factor that a man looking after himself and wanting to age gracefully is no longer a taboo, as the beauty industry is no longer a privilege for females.

A man wants to look and feel good for 3 main reasons: to be attractive to the opposite sex, to maintain their youth and be able to compete with contemporary and younger peers in their professional life.

A recent survey conducted among more than 3,000 professionals, indicated that 84 % believe that external appearance plays a vital role in professional development and success.

"In the work arena today, a man’ external appearance “reflects “ his resume on his face. It is not enough to have qualified for a job. You must also look the part ".

We all know that a key element of beauty is facial symmetry, and this cannot exist without hair to frame the face. In our times, the majority of aesthetic procedures have become a matter of routine .If you have a visual impairment you remove your specs and wear contact lenses. You can even solve the problem permanently with laser surgery. If you have crooked nose, a talented plastic surgeon can give you a new straight one. Do you know how many women have breast augmentation procedures? Quite a few, as it is the most popular procedure globally.

So, regaining the hair you lost with a hair transplant procedure is nowadays routine surgery. You come in the morning without hair and leave the same day with the hair you desired. A permanent solution for natural hair on your head.

HDC Medical Trichology Centre is a contemporary dedicated hair transplant centre in Cyprus, with an ultramodern clinic in the heart of Nicosia that has been producing effective results for over a decade.

HDC rightfully ranks amongst the top European hair transplant clinics for the following reasons:

• Its in house medical team consists of two surgeons and five highly skilled technicians, with background training in the United States by pioneers in the field of hair transplantation.

• The scientific treatment of hair loss is our principal activity and the centre is dedicated to providing solutions to hair loss sufferers.

• It combines the two most contemporary hair transplant techniques of FUE and FUT so that solutions can be offered cover to people who are at advanced stages of hair loss.

• Our successful results and specifically the naturalness of the hairline have become a reference in European and global forums.

For information and a free online consultation, you can contact us through our email Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. or you can fill up our online form.