HDC has pioneered in offering the FUE hair transplantation technique since 2003.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the technique that involves taking each and every follicular unit from the donor individually and this is the reason that has this name.
Hair Transplantation by the Follicular Unit Extraction method (FUE) was considered to be a breakthrough in the hair transplant industry when it was commercially introduced in the western world in 2002. The reason is because with this new method the linear scarring produced by strip technique was avoided. So the beauty of an FUE hair transplant is that in the hands of experts, it leaves no visible scarring.
HDC has pioneered in offering the FUE hair transplantation technique since 2003. Our medical team has accumulated enormous experience in the FUE technique, by producing thousands of amazing results and corresponding number of satisfied patients.
With FUE hair transplantation, a specialized punch with less than or equal to 0.9 mm diameter is used for extracting the hair follicles directly from the scalp. The main advantage of this technique is that follicular units are extracted one by one directly from the scalp thus leaving no visible scaring.
Photo showing 3 and 4 hair follicular units
Doctor giving post operation instructions and delivering post operation necessary kit to the patient.
A specialized sharp punch isolates the hair follicle from the surrounding skin thus removing it without leaving a visible scar.
These extracted follicular units will be separated from our expert technicians into 1, 2, 3 and 4 hair grafts.
The process in a brief outline, is that the doctor will agree with you the exact hairline design and area to be covered. Then he will proceed with creating the recipient sites and our techs will place these hair follicles into these sites thus finishing the FUE process.
Please note that the grouped follicular units are placed into different sections of the recipient area under the instructions of the hair transplant surgeon. Always the single hair follicular units are placed in the hairline for achieving a more natural looking result.
Natural hairline created by using single hair follicular units
Doctor giving post operation instructions and delivering post operation necessary kit to the patient.
The whole procedure is done under the local anesthetic so that you feel no pain during the process.
Finally, the doctor will give the post operation instructions to the patient verbally and in writing. The patient will also receive a post operation kit that contains all the necessary medicines and solutions for the necessary after care.
In more detail, a state of the art FUE procedure consists of 9 stages. All these stages are interlinked and each stage needs to be performed correctly in order to have a successful final FUE result. Each different stage is like a link of a chain. If you have a weak link, then the chain will break even if the rest of the links are strong. This is what happens with FUE. If you perform all the stages correctly then you have a great result. Concussively, this is a team work. Each member of the HDC Medical Team has the knowledge and experience to each and every stage in a state of the art way.
FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Breakdown:
- Hairline Design
- Punching
- Extraction
- Cleaning of Grafts
- Storage of Grafts
- Site Making
- Graft Distribution
- Placing
- Post op Care
You can see our typical, natural and State of the Art FUE Results by going to our Results Section
For more information on the FUE Hair Transplant, please feel free to contact us for a FREE HAIR LOSS ADVICE concerning your specific case.